How to Stay Healthy - With or Without CPAP
Posted by Andrew Senske on 10/26/2011 to
When you go to the doctor for an annual check-up you generally hear a lot of the same recommendations from one year to the next. The doctor and nurse usually sound like broken records (at least when I go in for a visit). It can be a little annoying,
CPAP Equipment for Women
Posted by Andrew Senske on 10/25/2011 to
As you're browsing around our website you may notice an increasing number of pink products, with names ending in "for Her" or "for Women". It's a trend that's been gaining traction over the last couple of years, and it's being spearheaded by the two
A Closer Look at BiPAP Machines
Posted by Andrew Senske on 10/15/2011 to
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This article will explain the fundamental differences between BiPAP machines and CPAP machines and the reasons one might choose to use a BiPAP machine over a standard CPAP machine. I'll also
CPAP and the Patients' Bill of Rights
Posted by Andrew Senske on 10/15/2011 to
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Just yesterday a customer indicated he was having difficulty getting a copy of his CPAP prescription faxed to us from his doctor's office. The customer said that his doctor had informed him that